Stacie Shaw | Partner
PKF Newcastle & Sydney

Stacie Shaw, Partner, PKF Newcastle & Sydney

Is your business profitable (now) and valuable (ready for your exit)? How dependant is it on key individuals – including you, or the owner? Systems and processes allow scale, profitability and value whilst maintaining consistency and quality – and lift the weight off key individuals.  This is relevant for all businesses, including accounting firms and their clients!

Stacie Shaw makes stuff happen.

Her career path means she is uniquely placed to understand the needs of business owners and the C-suite – not just finance-focused, but back-office systems as well as client/customer-facing requirements.
Stacie is a Chartered Accountant with 18 years’ experience – her stomping ground is Business Advisory / Tax services at PKF Newcastle & Sydney, which expanded into the Commercial Manager role, and a stint as CFO / HR / Ops Manager for PKF Newcastle & Sydney.  Stacie recently co-led a whole-of-firm (380 users) systems integrations project, and is a Partner in the Newcastle Business Advisory Services team.
Stacie’s expertise is enabling businesses to scale and achieve their goals by designing simple, effective processes and procedures that free up time and energy, and solve real business problems.
Stacie has a unique way of looking ahead to find ‘deal-breakers’ and removing roadblocks, holistically considering the implications of any change – readily identifies with an entire team, likes to keep her skills sharp and get her hands dirty when required. She knows it’s the people who will make or break a project or business; driving her approach that supports and develops the team, taps into their personal motivations, and creates advocates for the solutions.

Stacie works to achieve a culture of constant improvement; no system or process is ever perfect, but can absolutely be made adaptable to change. The best systems flex, rather than ending up forgotten or dismissed.
If you’re deeply frustrated by things you know need to be done, but aren’t able to give your full focus and / or don’t really know where to start – Stacie can help.


Day 2 @ 13:30

What makes you go “ugh” – validate a low tolerance for it, and ditch it

Tech generally won’t save you – it’s always rubbish-in-rubbish-out, so fix the squishy human processes first

last published: 14/Feb/25 04:55 GMT

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