Gill Walker | CRM Success Catalyst

Gill Walker, CRM Success Catalyst, Opsis

After decades of working with organisations as they implement their CRM, Gill Walker really ‘gets’ how understanding is key to CRM success. As an educator, through and through, Gill has shared her expertise via training across Europe and Asia Pacific, her published e-books and speaking. Today, Gill, and her Opsis team, are solely focussed on inspiring leaders and technical people to broaden their knowledge and use their skills in CRM to boost their business success. Gill thrives on transforming businesses, analysing your current systems and pain points during the scoping and using her deep knowledge of solutions that will maximise your output and results. She'll ensure your team is exceptionally trained, and running at peak performance for contingency and success. Witnessing the disappointment, cost and pain caused by failed CRM caused Gill to design SuccessRM - your BluePrint for CRM Success.   Education and your understanding are what makes SuccessRM different.  The key difference is that a SuccessRM CRM project leads with education. SuccessRM weaves education throughout your CRM project.  This saves you time because you are empowered to speak the same language as the technical team so cutting out extended periods of time in explanations.  SuccessRM proactively recommends education and training throughout the project.


Day 1 @ 13:30

Seven Steps to a Successful CRM solution

last published: 06/Feb/25 03:35 GMT

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