Derek O'Hagan | Senior Advisor in R&D
GSK Vaccines

Derek O'Hagan, Senior Advisor in R&D, GSK Vaccines

I am a Senior Advisor in R&D in GSK Vaccines, since 2018, and a GSK Fellow, since 2019. Prior to this I was the Global Head of Discovery Support and New Technology in GSK Vaccines. Until 2015, I was the Global Head of Vaccine Chemistry and Formulation Research for Novartis Vaccines. I have extensive experience on Vaccine Adjuvants, including R&D of those included in licensed products.


Pre-Congress Workshops - 21st April @ 10:00


Senior Representative, InDevR

Senior Representative, Orlance 

Senior Representative, AdaptVac 

Senior Representative, Advanced Access Health Initiative 



last published: 12/Feb/25 12:15 GMT

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