Dr Ahmed OGWELL is currently the Vice President for Global Health Strategy at the United Nations Foundation (unfoundation.org). In this capacity he leads the broad portfolio of global health policy, advocacy, thought leadership and resource mobilizatiopn for key UN priority initiatives. He is a respected voice in Global Health and a firm believer in that health security will only be achieved when planning and delivery of of health strategies are global - all countries and communities being part of the co-creation. He is the immediate-former Deputy Director General of Africa CDC where he led Africa's response to the COVID19 pandemic and other seriious outbreaks in Africa like Ebola, Marburg and Cholera. Ahmed is an alumni of the University of Nairobi in Kenya and the University of Bergen in Norway.
· Adoption of new pandemic accord
· Funding & research priorities for medical countermeasures for ID
· Vaccines increasing role in global health security
· Encouraging global compliance and accountability