Elizabeth Norton | Associate Professor
Tulane University

Elizabeth Norton, Associate Professor, Tulane University

My research focuses on induction of protection immunity, typically focusing on mucosal immunity, infection, and adjuvants. My lab uses bacterial ADP-ribosylating enterotoxins derived from E. coli for the manipulation of protective immunity, including the novel adjuvants dmLT and LTA1. In addition, I am interested in host factors and biomarkers of protective immunity, including for dmLT-adjuvanted clinical trials, influenza vaccination, and now SARS-CoV-2 infection. For more information see https://nortonlab.tulane.edu.


Pre-Congress Workshops - Monday 28th October @ 14:00

Mucosal & Alternative Delivery Workshop [PM1]

Session led by: transmucosis
Session led by: intravacc
Session led by: orlance,-inc.
Session led by: givax-inc.

Day 2 - Wednesday 30th October @ 14:25

Novel Mucosal Approaches in Bacterial Vaccine Development: Klebsiella Nasal Vaccine and Oral Strategies for ETEC and Polio

last published: 11/Oct/24 16:15 GMT

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