Bojana Mirosavljevic | Director, Patient Advocacy Strategy, Center for Rare Diseases

Bojana Mirosavljevic, Director, Patient Advocacy Strategy, Center for Rare Diseases, ICON PLC

  • 15+ years of Rare Disease Patient Advocacy Strategy experience focused on the clinical development process​
  • Chemist and embryologist specialized in pre-implantation genetic testing PGT ​
  • Founder and President of the ZIVOT (LIFE) Patient Organization  (Serbia & Balkan Region)​
  • Experience in creating and implementing Patient Advocacy strategy for rare diseases in the pharma and CRO​
  • Successfully lobbied for Zoya's law, increasing access to diagnosis and newborn screening in Serbia ​
  • Certified EUPATI Patient Expert for Rare Diseases
  • Recipient of the prestigious EURORDIS Black Pearl Award  ​


Day 2 - Thursday 24 October @ 11:10

Practical Approaches to Including Patient Advocacy Organizations in Your Drug Development Program: Not Only Why, But How

The session will discuss the ways Patient Advocacy Organizations play a vital role in all parts of the drug development process, from pre-clinical to post marketing in rare diseases. The discussion will highlight the essential tools needed to harness the power of collaborative partnerships to move science from bench to bedside


Learning outcomes: 

-Understand how patient advocacy organizations drive therapeutic development in the rare disease space 

-How to effectively engage and partner with patient advocacy organizations to develop meaningful treatments 

-Gain insight into the “how, when and where” patient advocacy can significantly impact the drug development process 

Session led by: icon-plc
last published: 13/Oct/24 14:15 GMT

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