Researcher at the Health Technology Assessment Area (AETSA) of the Regional Ministry of Health and families of Andalusia, Seville, Spain. Degree in Physiotherapy and a master´s degree in Motor Neurocontrol. Anabel is currently working a PhD in Clinical Procedures, Interventions, and Health Outcomes at the University of Seville. She is presently employed as a methodologist in an European Programme focused on creating a handbook for involvement patients in clinical practice guidelines and providing support to European networks. She is experienced in evaluation and adaptation of guidelines and health technology assessment reports, synthesis of evidence, preparation of recommendations and patient involvement
-Methodological CPG development approach in Rare Diseases. Guidelines Program and Patient Involvement Handbook. Content: European Program description (working packages, methodological products, training procedures, participants (clinicians, methodologists, patients) and outcomes, among others. Methodological handbooks, in special the HB focused on Patient involvement in rare diseases.
-Clinical profile. Experience from a clinical expert collaborating with the clinical guidelines’ development in rare diseases. Need of having clinical documents based on the evidence for the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases. Applicability, utility, collaboration and support.
-Patient outcomes. Experience in patients with rare diseases from the industry´s point of view (PROMS and PREMS). Challenges of applying the evidence assessment framework evidence-based medicine in rare diseases.
-Worldwide Guidelines and evidence generation: 1 expert from the international perspective