Rare Revolution

Media Partner

RARE Revolution Magazine is an independent not-for-profit publication dedicated to elevating the voice of the rare disease community through its website, digital magazine, patient engagement services and RARE Youth Revolution. It produces high-quality articles to support disease awareness and education across stakeholders, sectors and geographies. Featuring compelling voices and leading emerging conversations, RARE Revolution Magazine plays its part in turning the tide for rare disease. To find out more about joining the #RARERevolution visit https://bit.ly/RARE-REV-WODC-USA or contact the team at hello@rarerevolutionmagazine.com


Get Involved At World Orphan Drug Congress USA


To Sponsor Or Exhibit


Justin Franks
t/ +1 914 819 3506




To Speak


Gina McHugh
t/ +1 646 619 1775




Marketing & Press Opportunities


Kaylie Brogan