Mr Daniel Kerrison | Vice President - Inflight Retail
flydubai | United Arab Emirates

Mr Daniel Kerrison, Vice President - Inflight Retail, flydubai

Since joining flydubai's start-up team, Dan has led the strategic development of the airline's inflight experience. His responsibilities include the evolution of the cabin interior and award-winning inflight entertainment product, and management of inflight retail and catering operations. Dan has overseen the introduction of the Boeing Sky Interior, Lumexis IFE and most recently Geven's “COMODA” Business Class seat, in each instance as the launch customer.

Dan joined the Guest Service Systems division at Virgin Blue during the airline's start-up in 2000, then Emirates Airline's Service Delivery and Cabin Crew Management team in 2006.

Dan has a Master of Aviation Management degree from Griffith University.

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