CHF 4M Seed for 3 preclinical in-vivo validated research assets / SELMOD - Selective mode antimicrobial resistance therapeutics utilizing AI
Selmod is based in Basel, Switzerland life science cluster.
- This unique opportunity contributes first-in-class drug candidates to combat multi-resistant fungal and bacterial infections.
- Focus on high-revenue patients in hospital settings, to provide 2nd-line and last-resort treatments where first-line treatments have failed due to resistance.
- A disruptive approach to developing antibiotics with new dual modes of action addresses the need to overcome existing resistance mechanisms to current therapeutics.
- All are successfully proven in in-vivo animal infection studies.
- Market projections for the three assets - SLM500, SLM100, and SLM300 - are promising, with an estimated total available market (TAM) of over $9 billion in 2022.
- Aim to capture a significant share of this market within the first few years after market entry.
- Experienced leadership team with a proven track record in developing clinical candidates for big pharma.
- Use of funds to provide 3 IND-enabling candidates (SLM500) and 6 lead-optimized candidates in POC.