University of California

The Festival of Biologics returns to San Diego on 23rd-24th April as America’s leading biologics event, with content covering the discovery and development of antibody and immuno-therapeutics, biosimilars, clinical trials and manufacturing and bioprocessing to explore the start-to-finish of the entire biologics industry.

This year, we are delighted to be able to provide FREE passes to all  insitutions in the University of California network , offering full access to the conference!


Academic speakers at Festival of Biologics USA


23rd April

11:30 - 12:35

Julio Baez
Bioengineering Industrial Advisor, University of California San Diego
Biosimilars Roundtables

4:50 - 5:10

Wei Wang
PhD, Chemistry and Biochemistry,  University of California San Diego
AI and Machine Learning for Discovery

5:30 - 5:50

Joseph Fuhr
Professor, Health Economic
Market Access

24th April

4:30 - 4:50

Sheng Zhong
Professor,  University of California San Diego
Precision Medicine & Biomarkers

5:30- 5:50

Farah Sheikh
Professor of Medicine,  University of California San Diego
Cell and Gene Therapy


Gene Yeo
Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Co-Director Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Graduate Program, University of California San Diego
Offer applies to University of California staff and students only. All guest pass applications subject to Terrapinn approval