The Festival of Biologics returns to San Diego on 23rd-24th April as America’s leading biologics event, with content covering the discovery and development of antibody and immuno-therapeutics, biosimilars, clinical trials and manufacturing and bioprocessing to explore the start-to-finish of the entire biologics industry.

This year, we are delighted to be able to provide FREE passes to all Gilead Sciences staff, offering full access to the conference!


Gilead Sciences at Festival of Biologics USA


23rd April

2:20 - 4:00

Mia Wang
Senior Director, CMC team leader
CMC and Developability – session chair

24th April

3:30 - 3:50

Yuanhui Ma,
Senior Research Scientist I
Analytics and Screening

4:50- 5:10

Isabell Lehoux
Director, Protein Biochemistry
Protein Engineering

5:50- 6:10

Sathya Ramnath
Senior manager for Risk Based Quality Management
AI and Data in Clinical Trials
Offer applies to Gilead Sciences staff only. All guest pass applications subject to Terrapinn approval