Innovation and disruption in emerging payments - Total Payments Mexico

Latin News


LatinNews has been at the forefront of respected political, economic, security and strategic analysis since 1967. LatinNews provides a comprehensive intelligence resource on 33 countries in Central America, Latin America and the Caribbean; covering political, security, economic and strategic issues. LatinNews is the de facto intelligence source for serious LatAm professionals and academics worldwide. FREE ten-day evaluation is available at: or by sending your contact details to Maria Isotalo at
LatinNews services include a presidential style Daily Briefing, a pan-regional Weekly Report (also published in Spanish), monthly Regional Reports (including Andean Group, Brazil & Southern Cone, Caribbean & Central America, and Mexico & Nafta), a monthly Economy & Business Report, a monthly Security & Strategic Review, bi-monthly Special Reports, and an online research and intelligence database.
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Ampersand at Total Payments Mexico
Platinum sponsor
Mastercard International at Total Payments Mexico
Gold sponsor
Idomoo at Total Payments Mexico
Silver sponsor
FICO at Total Payments Mexico
co-located with
  • Loyalty World Mexico 2014
  • Big Data World Mexico 2014